Momen Cepat Sembuh

70+ Ucapan Cepat Sembuh Bahasa Inggris selain Get Well Soon

Ucapan Cepat Sembuh Bahasa Inggris selain Get Well Soon

Menjenguk atau memberikan ucapan semangat kepada sahabat atau orang terdekat yang sedang sakit, dapat memberikan energi positif. Selain itu, memberikan ucapan semoga segera sembuh juga menunjukkan kepedulianmu pada mereka. Biar lebih keren, berikan ucapan cepat sembuh Bahasa Inggris selain get well soon.

Get well soon merupakan frasa yang sangat umum digunakan ketika memberikan ucapan kepada orang sakit. Supaya Bahasa Inggrismu terlihat lebih keren dan advanced, coba pakai ungkapan lainnya. Yuk, intip koleksi kata-kata gws keren berikut!

35 Ucapan Cepat Sembuh Bahasa Inggris Selain Get Well Soon untuk Boss

Bunga Centerpiece Blossoms

Centerpiece Blossoms – Wonosobo

Rp 799.000 25% OFF

Rp 599.000

Untuk kamu yang di Wonosobo, kamu bisa dapatkan Buket Bunga Meja – Centerpiece Blossoms di sini!

Di bawah ini contoh Ucapan Cepat Sembuh Bahasa Inggris Selain Get Well Soon untuk Boss:

  1. “We’re handling things. Focus on getting better!”
  2. “Healing wishes and warm thoughts your way!”
  3. “Hopeful moments are ahead!”
  4. “Rest, recover, and return to inspire us!”
  5. “Health first, boss! We’ve got your back!”
  6. “Each day healing brings you closer to us!”
  7. “The team eagerly awaits your full recovery!”
  8. “Wishing you strength for a swift recovery, boss!”
  9. “Rest easy, boss; health is on its way!”
  10. “Boss, we need your spark. Heal quickly!”
  11. “Wishing you renewed health and energy.”
  12. “Get well soon, your team misses you!”
  13. “Health first, boss; we’ve got this covered!”
  14. “Rest up and recover; we need you!”
  15. “Your health is beyond priority. Take care, boss!”
  16. “Sending healing vibes your way today!”
  17. “We’re rooting for your speedy recovery, boss!”
  18. “May you regain your strength soon.”
  19. “Recharge, recover, and come back stronger!”
  20. “Rest well, boss! The team has your back!”
  21. “Take your time! We’ll hold the fort!”
  22. “Feel better, boss! Brighter days are ahead!”
  23. “Recover fully; the team eagerly awaits you!”
  24. “Relaxation paves the way to greatness, boss!
  25. “Sending sunshine and strength your way, boss!”
  26. “Hope you’re up and inspiring us soon!”
  27. “The office misses your energy. Heal quickly!”
  28. “You’re in our thoughts; get well, boss!”
  29. “Boss, may you bounce back to full health soon.”
  30. “The team thrives under you! Recover soon!”
  31. “Hoping you’re back to your best soon!”
  32. “Boss, you inspire even from a sickbed!”
  33. “The office feels emptier without your energy!”
  34. 35.”Rest, heal, and know we’ve got this!”

Baca Juga: 10 Ide Unik Parcel untuk Orang Sakit Selain Buah

30 Ucapan Cepat Sembuh Bahasa Inggris Selain Get Well Soon Lucu untuk Sahabat

Pure Fruit Bundles

Pure Fruit Bundles – Bekasi

Rp 729.000

Untuk kamu yang di Bekasi, kamu bisa dapatkan Parcel Untuk Orang Sakit – Pure Fruit Bundles di sini!

Di bawah ini contoh Ucapan Cepat Sembuh Bahasa Inggris Selain Get Well Soon Lucu untuk Sahabat:

  1. “Stop chilling, start healing! The squad’s waiting!”
  2. “I’ll stop texting if you heal faster!”
  3. “Your germs miss you, but we don’t!”
  4. “Heal fast! Nobody laughs like you do!”
  5. “Missing your chaos! Rest well and recover!”
  6. “Your bed misses your dramatic wake-ups!”
  7. “Sickness isn’t a vacation. Get better quickly!”
  8. “Recover soon, or I’m eating your snacks!”
  9. “Stop faking it, we know you’re fine!”
  10. “Healing fast means more fun for us!”
  11. “No excuses, get well and come back!”
  12. “The world’s less chaotic without you, boring!”
  13. “Rest up, but don’t enjoy it too much!”
  14. “Enough with the sick days, we need your wild energy back!”
  15. “You can’t skip life forever, recover quick!”
  16. “Even germs can’t handle your dramatic vibes!”
  17. “I need you back. Netflix is boring!”
  18. “Doctors miss you, so don’t stay too long!”
  19. “No more hospital selfies, time to heal!”
  20. “Your bed’s crying, get well lazy bones!”
  21. “Even your tissues are tired of crying!”
  22. “Hurry up, the fun police are waiting!
  23. “Stop milking it, time to heal already!”
  24. “Your germs are selfish. Leave them behind!”
  25. “The couch is tired of holding you!”
  26. “I’m saving embarrassing stories for your recovery!”
  27. “If laughter heals, I’m your best medicine!”
  28. “Your favorite show misses your loud reactions!”
  29. “Stop lounging! Recover and bring back the chaos!”
  30. “Rest easy! We’ve got tons of mischief lined up!”

Baca Juga: 10 Hampers Terbaik untuk Menjenguk Orang Sakit Tipes

20 Ucapan Cepat Sembuh Bahasa Inggris Selain Get Well Soon Menyentuh untuk Orang Tersayang

  1. “May love’s embrace bring you comfort and health.”
  2. “Each day apart drags on. Let’s be amazing again!
  3. “The stars are aligned for your healing, love.”
  4. “Free your mind. Rest your body. You’ll get through it!”
  5. “Love surrounds you. Let it heal you, my dear.”
  6. “Our future plans are incomplete without you! Let’s shine and rise, love!
  7. “Your strength inspires me, even when you’re unwell.”
  8. “Together, we’ll face this and see brighter days.”
  9. “May love’s light guide you back to wellness.”
  10. “Our pure love will be a panacea.”
  11. “Sending you superpower to feel great!”
  12. “You are loved deeply! Heal with that strength.”
  13. “I’m eagerly awaiting the moment you’re smiling once more.”
  14. “Love conquers all! May it bring your health back.”
  15. “You’re in my heart; heal beautifully soon.”
  16. “Rest up, love! Brighter days are ahead.”
  17. “Illness can’t steal your beauty. Recovery soon!”
  18. “The world’s better with you healthy again.”
  19. “Hoping love wraps you in its healing embrace.”
  20. “We still have lots of plans ahead. Feel better soon!”

Baca Juga: 20+ Ide Bawaan untuk Menjenguk Orang Sakit, Pasti Bermanfaat

Sudah Menemukan Ucapan Cepat Sembuh Bahasa Inggris Selain Get Well Soon yang Kamu Cari?

Tunjukkan perhatian dan kepedulianmu kepada orang terdekat yang sedang sakit dengan memberikan ucapan cepat sembuh dan parcel buah atau buket bunga.

Delovery menyediakan berbagai macam buket bunga dan parcel buah serta penulisan ucapan yang bisa disesuaikan. Temukan produk yang kamu inginkan dengan mengunjungi Delovery. Katalog di bawah ini cocok banget buat pemanis menyemangati mereka yang lagi sakit selain ngasih ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, yuk intip!

Kamu juga ga perlu khawatir kalau jarak antara kamu dan penerima berbeda wilayah atau kota. Di Delovery, kamu bisa pesan secara online dan Delovery kasih kamu jaminan sampai tepat waktu! Jadi, pastikan pilih kota terdekat dengan si penerima ya pas lagi milih-milih katalog. Semoga bermanfaat dan orang terkasihmu lekas sembuh!
